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Dry your wet boots, safely.

1 year ago

ROCKET DRYER is a 100% economical and efficient dryer system for your boots and gloves. Utilizing the hot air from the standard home floor register / furnace, you can ensure warm, dry boots every morning without the fear of a house fire that the electric dryers cause! Only $89.99 right now for the introductory price. #rocketdryer #winter #winterboots #wetboots #wet #gloves #wetgloves #wintersports #sledding #womensboots #kids #kidsboots #winterclothing #snowmageddon #dry #clothesdryer @McMullan Appliance & Mattress should carry these, many HVAC companies are picking them up. #housefire #fireprevention #homecare #home #furnace #hvac #hvactechnician