Bush Sr

1 year ago

JFK murdered by Bush Sr?!

House of Mirrors. 💥 Ever wonder why Bush Sr was burried with a wrinkled flag draped over his casket?

Or why did the mysterious envelopes got handed out to the deepstate swamp monsters at his funeral?

Intentional narrative seeding.

💥George H. W. Bush was responsible for murdering JFK.💥

This clip will explain so much for those that haven't looked into this.

Everything has a reason.

The Bush crime family was responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans if you start to figure in, not only the murder of JFK. But also 9/11 and trading guns to the Iran Contras, for drugs they flooded our American streets with.

The Biden psyop. How long has this operation really been taking place?

Watch this clip through.


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