Gigantic humpback whale rises beside mesmerized swimmer in Tonga

1 year ago

Humpback whales are beautiful creatures. They are immense animals, larger than anything that has ever lived on earth, with the exception of a few larger whale species. They never leave the water, but they breath air, using a vent hole in the top of their heads. Humpbacks can hold their breath for long periods of time, resting on the ocean bottom and surfacing for a breath or two approximately every 11-12 minutes.
This thrilled swimmer was enjoying the warm waters of Tonga, between the islands when a bull humpback rose beside him and took a few breaths. It looked curiously at the small and clumsy human as it nonchalantly bobbed on the surface. Humpbacks have no reason to fear people and they will often regard swimmers with interest. They even seem careful around people, as if they are aware of their power and size and the possibility of hurting someone. This gentle nature is beautiful and touching and something that we have not returned in kind.
Humpback whales come to the waters of Tonga to mate and to bear their young. They are safe from predators here, especially orcas, one of the biggest threats to humpback calves. Females spend several months feeding their calves before leading them north to colder waters for feeding in the winters. Males follow the females, competing for breeding rights and providing a safety escort during their vulnerable times.
To see humpback whales in their own environment is a breath taking and unforgettable sight.

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