The Mission of Evangelism

8 months ago

Just what is evangelism? Why is it important? What is the goal of evangelism. I think Jesus gave us the ultimate example, His words instruct us for evangelism, He sent people out as an example for evangelism. The ultimate goal for evangelism is simple and it is in Christ own words:

Luke 19:10 (NKJV)
10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

That’s a pretty simple message isn’t it? Jesus was in the business to saving people’s lives from an evil and wicked world. We are called to continue to carry out the work the Jesus started. We are called to follow Jesus and carry out the work of the ministry. The church in the New Testament was growing at an enormous rate and they grew in spite of the resources they had. They didn’t have any budgets, buildings, political influence or social status. The church grew because of their priority and they didn’t let much time be wasted.

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