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What is the Stress Response?

1 year ago

Servant-host Daniel Miller delves into the body’s stress response, detailing its stages - alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. In this episode of the Biblical Anatomy podcast, he highlights the distinction between distress (negative stress) and eustress (positive stress), drawing parallels between physical and emotional stress.

The episode emphasizes the impact of stress on glucose utilization and advocates for work-life balance to avoid prolonged stress. The servant-host discusses the importance of recognizing the aforementioned eustress and distress, urging listeners to manage stress effectively.

Additionally, the speaker offers expertise in anatomy-related services, such as a one-repetition maximum calculator, acquired at https://biblicalanatomyacademy.com/1RM, and a program template, acquired at https://biblicalanatomyacademy.com/template. Each, along with a slew of supportive materials, can be acquired at the Biblical Anatomy Academy website, https://biblicalanatomyacademy.com.