Dr. John Jaquish: The Elon Musk of The Fitness Industry

1 year ago

Dr. John Jaquish is the scientist behind the revolutionary X3-Bar, which uses a unique combination of the world's most powerful resistance bands attached to a platform and detachable bar, that allows for the type of extreme force that builds muscle 3 times faster than conventional weight lifting, without the risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is also a research professor at Rushmore University, and an expert in osteogenic loading and bone density who has been nominated for the National Medal of Science and who is fast becoming known as the Tony Stark (of Iron Man fame), or more likely, the Elon Musk of the health and fitness industry! As much like Musk's electric, self-driving cars have disrupted the automotive industry, Dr. Jaquish's research and his inventions are just as likely to level the health and fitness industry, making gyms as we know them today obsolete in the near future.

Dr. Jaquish credentials belie his physique, as he's possibly the most jacked and shredded scientist you'll ever meet, standing 6' feet tall, he is 240 lbs at 9% bodyfat, having added 45 pounds of muscle over three years using his X3-bar. This is possible due to his invention's ability to deliver tremendous force throughout a movement at varying degrees. Variable resistance, it seems, is the key to extraordinary increases in muscular growth, a finding Dr. Jaquish discovered while conducting research on human performance and bone density. In that study, his team found that they could create enormous levels of force through the body that were 7x greater than normal when isolating specific ranges of motion.

Jaquish Biomedical - https://www.jaquishbiomedical.com/
OsteoStrong - https://osteostrong.me/
Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: https://staging.jaquishbiomedical.com/book/
Dr. John Jaquish on Instagram - @drjaquish
Neuromuscular and Hormonal Responses to Constant and Variable Resistance Loadings - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20473217/

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