Evergrande’s Liquidation Might Be the End of the Company

5 months ago

01/28/2024 Bloomberg Television: The liquidation order by Hong Kong court probably means the end of the company. Its stock alongside several other units trading in Hong Kong are already halted in the Hong Kong market. And they are not expected to be traded again. For the China property market more widely, it's really an ominous result. With Evergrande being liquidated, that will only drag the downward cycle of property sales further, and dent really home buyers' confidence.
01/28/2024 彭博电视:香港法庭对恒大的清算令很可能意味着该公司的终结。恒大,连同其它几家在香港交易的分公司的股票已经停止在香港交易。而且以后它们可能也不会再交易了。对整个中国房地产市场而言,这是一个不祥的结果。随着恒大被清算,这只会进一步对房地产销售下滑周期造成拖累,并对购房者的信心造成打击。

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