Article 4627 Video - International Public Notice: It's a Resurgence By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 4627 Video - International Public Notice: It's a Resurgence - Sunday, January 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

People are so deluded that they misunderstand the problem.

They think we are in a "Constitutional Crisis" but we aren't.

The Constitutions say what they say. The Principals are still bound. The People are owed what they are owed -- which includes a secure border, according to all three Federal Constitutions, including The Constitution of the United States.

What we have here is a misdirected Foreign Subcontractor that thinks its own corporate policies outrank the Constitution that gives that same Foreign Subcontractor its form, charter, and ability to exist.

Make no mistake, The Constitution of the United States is the only meal ticket Joe Biden has. He'd better read it. So should FEMA and DHS.

Here's how things stack up lawfully and legally:
Constitutions (Contracts) outrank Treaties and Treaties outrank Corporate Policies.

So, as usual, Joe has it backwards and the people advising him about law aren't fit to lick my sandals, but that's no surprise considering the quality of our Law Schools.

The Bidenites (like Luddites) are trying to enforce the North American Union Treaty that G.W. Bush signed, which agrees among other things, to erase the borders between The United States and Canada and Mexico, to make one huge North American Regional Government with one common currency called the "Amero".

Ah, the irony! The pathos! The drama!
The Dems are stuck trying to enforce an illegal action by a reckless and dimwitted Republican Administration that has finally come to term.

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