Fredericton vandalized synagogue

5 months ago

Two things are troubling here.

1. Masks when we all know they dont work there have been dozens of studies . Fauci wrote a book on it . How it causes bacterial pneumonia and other issues.

So clearly this society is fully brainwashed

2. Someone is pissed at Israel and obviously this city supports Israel and the genocide they have beem found guilty of which is troubling.

Guess its the propaganda media brainwashed town just believing in the vax, standing with Ukraine, trusting the government and supporting Israel's genocide.

If u live here move asap

Might as well deem them all to be witches or demons brainwashed and in some mindcontrol spell of stupidity.

Dont go to this town they are backwards and still believe in fairies and whatever else the CBC leftist government run propaganda news says

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