Why Does God Allow Pain & Suffering? | CornerstoneSF Online Service

10 months ago

Service Speaker:
Alex Costanzo
CornerstoneSF Teaching Team

It is a question that humankind has been asking for millennia. Why is life so unfair? Why would a good god allow pain and suffering? And why should we follow a god like that? There’s a book in the bible that addresses this very question - the book of Job.

Invite and share this message with your family and friends and bless them with this great message. If you’re new to Cornerstone and this is your first time watching us, we’d love to say “hello!” Just click on this url http://cornerstonesf.org/welcome to fill out our Welcome Card and one of our community members will follow up with you.

Also if you are in need of prayer, don't hesitate to put in a prayer request at http://cornerstonesf.org/prayer


Song Credits:

King of Heaven - Mack Brock
Mack Brock and Phil Wickham
© 2019 Capitol CMG Paragon | Jetfighter Music | Phil Wickham Music | Simply Global Songs | Sing My Songs

Glorious Day - Jason Ingram
Jason Ingram, Jonathan Smith, Kristian Stanfill, and Sean Curran
© 2017 KPS 1.0 | sixsteps Music | sixsteps Songs | Sounds Of Jericho | Worship Together Music | worshiptogether.com songs | Fellow Ships Music | Hickory Bill Doc | So Essential Tunes

You Were On The Cross - Matt Maher
Matt Maher, Kenny Butler, Audrey Assad
© 2009 River Oaks Music Company | spiritandsong.com | Thankyou Music | Worship Together Music

All music performed by the CornerstoneSF Worship Band under CCLI license No. 48786, CCS No. 8434

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