Dr. McCullough: COVID-19 vaccine induces myocarditis and causes death

4 months ago

1/22/2024 [Covid-19 Vaccine Expert Panel Briefing to the Massachusetts Legislature, Public Health Officials and the Public] Peter A. McCullough: COVID-19 vaccine induces myocarditis and causes death; it should have been pulled off the market a long, long time ago
#CovidVaccin #COVID19 #DiedSuddendly ##Myocarditis #Heartattack
1/22/2024 【新冠疫苗专家小组向美国麻州议会、公共卫生官员和公众简报会】彼得·麦卡洛博士:COVID-19疫苗引发心肌炎并导致死亡,早就该被下架了
#新冠疫苗 #新冠病毒 #突然死亡 #心肌炎 #心肌梗塞

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