CHARLIE CHAN IN HONOLULU (1939) -- colorized

1 year ago

Charlie Chan in Honolulu is a 1939 American mystery film directed by H. Bruce Humberstone, starring Sidney Toler as the fictional Chinese-American detective Charlie Chan. The film is the first appearance of both Toler as Chan and Victor Sen Yung as "number two son" Jimmy.

Detective Chan rushes to the hospital to be with his daughter as she prepares to give birth to his first grandchild. While Charlie Chan waits at the hospital, his "number two" son Jimmy intercepts a message intended for Charlie about a murder on board the freighter Susan B. Jennings.

The freighter is on its way from Shanghai to Honolulu under the leadership of Captain Johnson (Robert Barrat). Jimmy wants to prove his investigative skills to his father and so boards the Jennings pretending to be Charlie Chan, with his younger brother Tommy (Layne Tom Jr.) in tow. The ruse doesn't last long and soon the real Chan arrives on board, interrogating a motley assortment of crooks, heiresses and crew as he works to solve a crime whose only witness is secretary Judy Haynes (Phyllis Brooks).

Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan
Sen Yung as Jimmy Chan
Phyllis Brooks as Judy Hayes
Eddie Collins as Al Hogan
John 'Dusty' King as Randolph
Claire Dodd as Mrs. Carol Wayne
George Zucco as Dr. Cardigan
Robert Barrat as Captain Johnson
Marc Lawrence as Johnny McCoy
Richard Lane as Joe Arnold
Layne Tom Jr. as Tommy Chan
Philip Ahn as Wing Foo
Paul Harvey as Inspector Rawlins

Rest of the Chan Family

Eugene Hoo as Chan Son
Frances Hoo as Chan Daughter
Hippie Hoo as Chan Son
Florence Ung as Ling Chan
Barbara Jean Wong as Chan Daughter (uncredited)

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