LAT January 28, 2024

4 months ago

36:43 2 errors.
Re "El Cheapo" there's a phrase that only works with Canadian currency, "he's so cheap when he squeezes a nickel the beaver farts."
Personally I found this gimmick pretty amusing with the tacking on the a at the start of the phrase to alter the meaning.
I was wondering if this was the Gary Larson of Far Side but I wiki'd it and guess not.

NOTE apparently there is an 'autosyndication' option with Rumble which allows you to sync videos on your youtube account with rumble. I haven't tried it myself. I have very little content on youtube. If they can appear on both platforms with no extra effort why not.

Actually I tried to eliminate the ads from my videos by demonetizing them but if I do that on rumble, they aren't accessible unless I provide a direct link so I scrapped that idea.

It's not like I'm making any coin from this. After posting 350+ videos my account balance is $0.49 USD. But it would be good to use both platforms interchangeably. One deterrent to youtube is I believe there is a limit of 15 min per video for the free account. At my level, that wouldn't work for crossword recordings.

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