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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients, and the question today is

Cerebral Palsy and Intensive Care at Home!

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home, where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated patients with tracheostomies, and also where we provide tailor-made solutions for medically complex patients in the community, that otherwise require an intensive care bed. And that means we’re also providing tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units, to save money and resources whilst providing quality care.

In this quick tip video, I want to talk about cerebral palsy, and intensive care as well as cerebral palsy in the community.

So here at Intensive Care at Home, we’re looking after a number of clients in the community with cerebral palsy that are medically very complex and that need 24-hour intensive care nursing at home because otherwise, those clients would be spending 24 hours a day in intensive care.

It would be a burden to the health care system, it would cost a lot of money, but way more important, those clients and their families wouldn’t have any quality of life. Because quality of life really can only be achieved at home where hospital and ICU admissions can be avoided predictably because that’s the service we are providing. We are providing an Intensive Care at Home service, and especially when it comes to cerebral palsy, many of those clients have regular seizures. They need airway management. They often need BiPAP at home. They often need cough assist at home.

These are all nursing skills that can only be provided by intensive care nurses with a minimum of two years intensive care experience. Now, this is backed up by evidence-based and research, where if you look at the Home Mechanical Ventilation Guidelines on our website, at intensivecareathome.com, you will find that after nearly 25 years of Intensive Care at Home nursing, the research clearly shows that the only way someone on a ventilator, tracheostomy, BiPAP, seizure management at home, can be managed is with an intensive care nurse with a minimum of two years ICU experience.

And again, we’re maximizing the quality of life for our clients by providing this high-level service in the community. I argue we are looking after the sickest and highest acuity clients in the community, worldwide really. There’s no other service, as far as I’m aware, that can provide that level of care at home than we provide.

But more importantly, our clients, especially those with cerebral palsy, have a good quality of life at home. In some instances, we are talking about quality of end-of-life as well. But it’s the much-preferred option compared to those clients going in and out of intensive care, which is pretty much what happened with those clients prior to our service providing 24-hour intensive care nursing at home.

So this is my quick tip for today...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/cerebral-palsy-and-intensive-care-at-home/

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