Sleeping On Things... 😲

11 months ago

🛏🛏🌇"Sleeping on things..." 😲✨ allows your big brain to work through complex problems and come up with creative solutions while we sleep during our subconscious state of problem solving.
It gives our minds a chance to process, assimilate and organize the information we received the day before.🌅

🎌 Often, we find after a good night's sleep, we wake up with a fresh ass perspective and new insights into the challenges we faced.

🎌 Our subconscious mind works while we sleep to help us when we become conscious again, making synaptic connections and finding proper patterns that may have eluded us during our waking hours when we were' in what I call "DUH Mode."

🎌 By taking the time to "sleep on things," we allow ourselves to tap into this powerful source of creativity and use this super power💥 problem-solver to the best of our ability with proper rest being the key that fits into the door of our opportunity for problem solving.

🎌 sleeping on things improves our cognitive abilities, but it also has positive effects on our emotional well-being to make a decision 😁when we are in a calm-confident state.

🎌When we are faced with difficult decisions or situations that we are in, it's easy to become overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. By taking a step back and giving ourselves the time to rest and 🛏recharge, we are better equipped to handle these challenges with a clear mind and a calm state of mind.

🎌Sleep is known to reduce stress levels 📊 and improve mood, allowing us to approach problems with a more positive mindset. PMA(Positive Mental Attitude) baby!

🎌So, the next time you find yourself faced with a rough, tough and tumble decision or in need of an easy solution to a complex problem, remember the power of "sleeping on things." 😴🥱

🎌Give yourself the time and space to let your mind work its magic, while you rest. You'll be amazed at the clarity and creativity that come with a good night's sleep the next day. Use this superpower to the best of your ability. Practice makes perfect.🔥

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