Pride goes before fall (PART 2)

1 year ago

7. November 2023
Joy Jacqueline
05:52 PM (Denmark)
Prophetic Word:
The Royal House of Denmark and West Bank
⁃ you have hidden your secrets from the public eyes, from deals you have made with those who are calling themselves WHO.
⁃ you have made deals at the West Bank in my Country Israel, to fuel ⛽️ corruption and confusion, you have made deals with Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and Morocco.
⁃ You have paid filth under tables behind walls BUT I THE LORD HAVE SEEN YOU.
⁃ You traded your currencies from the citizens of Denmark and used it to plot against my country with HAMAS.
⁃ You made deals with EU that BABYLONIAN harlot, who’s cup is filled with filth and blood of the innocent and my prophets.
⁃ Your house of Cards is falling, your plans to continue to fuel the fire in ISRAEL WILL BE STOPPED NOW, and I will EXPOSE YOU AND ALL YOUR PUPPETS AND WHO YOU HAVE USED in your strings, in your attempt to serve injustice and corruption.
⁃ mene, mene, tekel, ufarsin TO YOU THAT CALL YOURSELF THE CROWN OF DENMARK but you are nothing more than stench to my nostrils and I’m dealing with you now.
Scripture reference:

THE MOURNFUL, inspired prediction (a burden to be lifted up) concerning Babylon which Isaiah son of Amoz saw [with prophetic insight]:
Isaiah 13:2-3
The Eyes of God:
Luke 12:2
Hebrews 4:13
For God shall bring every work into judgment:
Ecclesiastes 12:14
Ezekiel 28
Jeremiah 16:17-18
The Gentile nation:
Jeremiah 16:19-21
Daniel speaking to the King of babylon:
Daniel 2:22
What is Babylon ?
Why is Babylon so important?
And thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know:
Daniel 5:22-24
Mene mene Tekel Uphasin:
Daniel 5:25-27
The blood of the innocent:
Jeremiah 2:34
Psalm 106:38
Their feet run to evil:
Isaiah 59:7

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