7 months ago

The fire that started to burn in Egypt has caused many of the nations in the Middle East and North Africa to go up in flames. When the uprising started in Egypt, I thought at first that it was genuine but I have changed my mind. It is obvious that provocateurs from different intelligence services used the pent up anger of the Egyptian people to take Hosni Mubarak down. When we look at uprisings like the French revolution in 1789, the Russian revolutions in 1905 and 1917, and Germany after World War I when the Kaiser was forced to abdicate, it is possible to see an unseen hand that fomented and directed the proceedings. Once the government was toppled, the people were double crossed and a newer more evil power was put in place. What we are seeing in the Middle East is the third move of the Kabbalistic Jewish World Government. The first move was World War I and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the second was in 1948 with the establishment of a political Jewish state.

The State of Israel is in big trouble right now with the Israeli Arab population growing faster than the Jews, the Gaza conflict festering like cancer and the West Bank is slowly heating up and will explode shortly. Israel’s economy is in shambles and they are not able to meet all their financial obligations. They would certainly go bankrupt without the massive aid of billions of dollars from the United States. The Kabbalistic Jews need a catastrophic event in the Middle East to expand their territory and relieve the pressure. This is all done with the goal of bringing their messiah to the earth and establishing Jerusalem as the capitol of their World Government.

FEBRUARY 20, 2011

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