Article 4624 Video - International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4624 Video - International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory - Sunday, January 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

In order to maintain national and international standing, each country must retain and maintain its land and soil jurisdiction, and its living population of men and women, who are endowed with Natural and Unalienable Rights. Each country is physically defined and has published definable borders within which it enjoys general jurisdiction over its land and soil, air, and water resources.

England is a country.
Scotland is a country.
Ireland is a country.
Wales is a country.

Each country has a lawful government. In most cases, they also have Territories and may have Municipalities, too, which maintain separate jurisdictions.

Britain is, in effect, a union of four separate countries, and is a separate fictional creation standing for the four sovereign countries as if they were one country in international jurisdiction.

This is similar to the union of our States in America, called The United States, which is a fictional instrumentality created to wield certain mutually shared powers of the sovereign member-states.

As they are not sovereign entities themselves, these melded-together creations depend upon the sovereignty of the member countries, or in our case, our Federation of States depends on our member States which are individual small countries holding general jurisdiction.

It should be apparent that without the sovereign member countries or sovereign member States, these dependent entities whether described as Unions or Federations or Confederations, have "no standing".

They are like a doll's dress, without the doll.

When Queen Anne vacated the land and soil of England in favor of acting as the British Queen, she removed herself from what is known as "Original Jurisdiction". She did not, as some people assume, act as the Queen of England, the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of Ireland, and the Queen of Wales. Queen of Britain is an abstract office in a different Territorial jurisdiction.

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