Can't Make This Up: Hillary Clinton's Cray-Cray Warning About '24 Election Sets Off All BS Detectors

7 months ago

Hillary Clinton wants you all to know that Right-wing extremists will steal the 2024 Election. No, we're not making a joke, it's hard to joke about a woman who makes a joke of herself every time she opens her big mouth. Case in point, listen to what she had to say to 'invisibles' in 2022. You really can’t make this up. “Right-wing Extremists will steal the 2024 Election…” - Hillary Clinton.

Think about that, she was pushing this two years before the election. If you look up train wreck in the Dictionary you'll see Hillary's big, puffy, old, lined face. Maybe this is AI? Yeah … that's what we'd like to believe. Totally AI. Heh. Why even have an election at this point? No matter who wins, the other side will claim it was stolen and that it was illegitimate. Everything feels pretty stupid right now. Agreed. Besides, we've been informed multiple times that talking about election fraud or questioning an election makes someone a traitor or something. Hey, it's their rules, not ours.

• More at: Twitchy - Can't MAKE This Up - Hillary Clinton's CRAY-CRAY Warning About '24 Election Sets Off All BS Detectors

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