War Women and Conscription...!

11 months ago

READ THIS SECTION of my book. It is so relevant to the events of The Last 20/30/40/50/60/70 Years and you can maybe see what is coming, what they the Evil Elite Have Planned......
The 3rd extract from a book comes from HERETICS OF
DUNE by Frank Herbert
I read it some years ago, and at the time I was not given an
insight as to why my spirit guide/god wanted me to write it down,
but the events of time have now shown why it needed to be part of
this book.
(The trouble with some kinds of warfare and be certain the
tyrant knew of this because it is implicit in his lesson is that it
destroys all moral decency in susceptible types, warfare of this
kind will dump the destroyed survivors back into an innocent
population which is incapable of even imagining what such
returned soldiers might do.)
I read and wrote this down three years before the invasion of
Iraq, I think that these words in a novel are prophetic about how
these political oil industry led wars of today will affect the young
soldiers/fighters fighting them, as Vietnam damaged so many young
men and society in general.
At the time of the Balkan conflict I was in an excellent meditation
and communication circle, my spirit guides/god told me many of
the things that were wrong with that war and it upset me greatly.
So one week at the circle I silently asked god “ why do you allow
all these terrible small wars?” and immediately the answer came
back, “Because there are those who believe they could start and
win the big war but what holds them back is they cannot win the
small wars.”
I was also given the feeling of the emotional corruption of those
who would do this, I now understood why these wars occur, I was
allowed by god to see a tiny fraction of the big picture. So for a week
I thought about it and at the circle the following week I naively offered
god my solution to stop all wars, I again silently asked god “why did
you not make us all the same so we would not fight each other?”
again an instant reply “Because people are like flowers the beauty
is in the difference, but people cannot see that“
If you stop and think about it, why would god create a bland
universe all the same? And yet all over this planet governments and
political and religious factions are killing in the fight to make us all
the same, despite god creating us all to be beautiful because we
are different!
GET THE BOOK Battlefield earth by L Ron Hubbard

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