CDT for the WIN - Marcus Grant 2nd Interview with Kerri Rivera Protocol P for Adults (January 2024)

1 year ago

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Marcus Victor Grant 2nd interview with Kerri Rivera on the Parasite protocol for adults (January 2024)

Consultation with Kerri Rivera:

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00:00 Kerri's introduction

05:07 Interview introduction

08:50 Recommendations for the following supplements or aliments in long term P protocol (12 months or longer): zinc, vitamin C, iron, garlic, N-acetyl cysteine, Omega-3, Vitamin E, Tin (which is found in the following antioxidants: berries, milk thistle, licorice, nettle, yellow dock, red clover, juniper, yarrow and valerian), Phosphorus (which is found in dark chocolate, sardines, salmon, eggs) - dosage, negative interaction with CDS, pre-existing deficiency, alternatives

14:48 Timing of taking antioxidant supplements, with longer than 2 hours half-life, alongside CDS protocols - possible evening application affecting sleep. Antioxidant supplements discussed: CoQ10, Selenium, Alpha-lipoic acid, Melatonin, Rosemary.

15:38 Which of the following supplements would reduce CDS effectiveness if properly taken 2-3 hours prior to CDS or should not be taken at all: Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (found in green tea leaves extract), Elagic acid (found in some fruits like berries), Raisin extract (glutamates), Black walnut/Juglans nigra, Clove/Syzygium aromaticum, methylene blue, AFA=Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, colloidal silver, shelled hemp seeds (instead of CBD oil), black seed oil (BSO), chromium (any type), selenium, Potassium iodine, Vitamins: B1, B3, D2, D3, K1, K2, Magnesium (any type), Calcium carbonate, L-tryptophan, Valerian root, Triphala (combination of amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki), Mucuna pruriens, L-glutamine, Humic and fulvic acids, GABA, Grapefruit seed extract, Oregano.

26:25 Do the vitamin D3 injection of 100.000 IU interfere with oral CDS intake and if so, for how long?

27:09 BSO (black seed oil) and humic+fulvic acids dosage?

29:34 Humic+fulvic acids preference over ocean water?

31:55 What's an alternative to B12 that doesn't interfere with CDS but supports the body similarly as B12, during a P protocol?
33:02 Which of the following binders, if taken 1 hour prior to CDS is going to knock out a CDS dose and when is the best time to take them : bentonite clay, activated charcoal, psyllium husk, chlorella, zeolite, spiruline.
34:10 Benefits of H7, preference over pecticlean and observations of usage
37:50 Suppliers for supplements – general remarks
38:35 What sources/providers do you recommend for structured silver.? Is this Salus defense good?
39:10 Dosing for ivermectin (preventive purposes)
40:40 Issues and Borax/boron – issues and alternatives
43:32 Transporting prepared CDS in amber bottles hot summer case
44:35 Are people with strong immune systems able to fight parasites off or are they just sick without knowing it and it's only a matter of time until they observe symptoms?
47:05 How can one know if the mebendazole they order and receive at home from various sources is legit?
47:43 How do you use castor oil internally? What about externally?
49:17 What's your experience with cerebral palsy? Can P protocol be successfully used for this?
51:36 Pros and cons of using chanca piedra as powder vs liquid form? Do they both affect in the same ways kidney stones and liver stones?
51:55 How do we insure a balance between freaking ourselves out with 30 alarms a day and making sure we do everything at the right time for the P protocol?
55:03 Terrible insomnia while on protocol P
56:30 While on the P protocol, what are some great ways to handle picky eater autistic children?
01:00:56 Worries about carnivore diet while on P protocol
01:02:25 What can be done if only part of the family wants to do P protocol to prevent/limit reinfection?
01:04:32 In many of the successful cases you publicly shared with families struggling with autism, there was some adult who was willing and able to put in the time, the money and the knowledge to follow the P protocol. At the same time, some autistic adults are not so fortunate as to have income to do the protocol or someone else to support them. What would be some of the solutions and suggestions for people finding themselves in this situation?
01:07:07 Someone suggested starting 5 days instead of 3 before the new moon because of “what if parasites get smart and change their reproduction cycle”, is that necessary?
01:08:42 There are different diagnostic tools for autism. In the Autism One presentation from 2014, you used ATEC score including for an adult. Other tools for autism spectrum disorders are: ASDS, ABC, ASSQ, AQ, CHAT, M-CHAT, Q-CHAT, CAST, CARS 2, DBD-ES, DBC-ASA, ESAT, GADS, GARS-2, KADI, PDDST-II, STAT, SCQ, SRS. Which of these may be used for adults? Which of them do you consider less relevant?
01:11:05 If someone has heavy metal poisoning, is it more likely they are going to develop a parasite infection because parasites find food in heavy metals?
01:11:57 If someone has parasites infection and heavy metal poisoning at the same time, what are the recommended precautions or efficiency tips to take care of both of them?
01:12:32 In the context of “vaccines” shedding: Do the CDS protocols affect the hydrogels that go together with graphene compounds, causing blood clots and heart problems?
01:13:28 When is it recommended to use EDTA for heavy metal chelation, how and how much?
01:14:30 For the people with higher risk toleration, would there be some tips to accelerate heavy metal detox by using injections or IVs for delivering the CDS into the body?
01:15:30 Which of the following elements are most difficult to chelate from the body using a combination between protocols C & E: Mercury, arsenic, antimony, lead, aluminium, copper, uranium, tungsten (do not mistake it for tungsten carbide/borium), caesium, indium, lanthanum, palladium, tellurium, Thorium?
01:17:56 What's your experience with micronized zeolite in powder form as a binder for heavy metals?
01:18:35 What is better to use for a chlorine dioxide enema: MMS1 or CDS and why?
01:19:28 How long does a CDS/MMS enema stay in your bloodstream for?
01:19:49 The recommended quantity of water for an enema during the P protocol is between 700 ml to 2 liters. What would be your tips to someone having problems introducing more than 600 ml because more just doesn't seem to flow in?
01:21:27 Before enema, it is recommended to use lubrication. What should be avoided in cremes applied locally to make sure they don't neutralize the CDS from the enema?
01:21:55 What types of alcohol should be used vs avoided in cleaning the inside of the enema bag after use?
01:23:01 Sodium chlorite without activating works well for dogs (stronger stomach acid). What would be the recommended precautions, dosage and water dilution for humans?
01:24:54 How to recognize negative reaction while taking various herbals for various issues – side effects of plants
01:27:49 Powder prebiotics and diatomaceous earth alternative uses
01:29:02 Is there ever going to be a 3rd edition of the book “Healing the Symptoms know as autism”?
01:30:50 Taking dried eggshells powder (supplement for remineralizing teeth) - parasites precautions
01:31:25 Some people may think: “my grandfathers lived until their nineties without worrying about parasites, what's the big deal about it” - how can we answer to this objection?
01:32:50 How can someone recognize they have parasites in the eyes?

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