II Peter Lesson-05: Watch Out for the Deceivers - Part II

4 months ago

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Today's Lesson

We are in Lesson-05 in the series “Grow in Grace, Grow in Knowledge” from the book of II Peter.

This is Volume II of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” a study of I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Watch Out for the Deceivers!!! – Part II” and our focus passage is II Peter 2:10-22.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we began our two-part study of II Peter 2.
We focused on the first nine verses and studied Peter’s warning about The Appearance of the False Teachers.
Peter told his audience that false teachers who deny their Lord and Master Jesus Christ were coming (or perhaps were already there).
These false prophets are driven by their lusts and their greed, and they can bring enormous harm to the fellowship.

In the end, their destiny is destruction. God will judge and punish them.
However, in the meantime, believers must be alert and ready to recognize these agents of the enemy.

Today we will complete our study of II Peter 2 by focusing on our second division, “The Attributes of False Teachers” from v10-14 and our third division, “The Apostasy of False Teachers” from V15-22.
Let’s get started.

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