"The Seth Material" Introduction by Jane Roberts

1 year ago

The Seth Material is a system of philosophy presented by Jane Roberts and her husband Robert Butts as a consequence of the trance communications of an entity named Seth. The origin of the material, however, is far less significant than its scope. It has logical consistency, and the validation it receives, as millions of people read and use its ideas in their lives, is growing daily. During our current period of worldwide stress and conflicting ideologies, it makes sense of our situation and gives hope. Between 1963 and 1984, Seth communicated through Jane discourses which have appeared in the twenty volumes that comprise the Seth Material.

The following is from Seth during Jane Roberts' ESP Class, Feb. 29th, 1968...
"And I am in this room, though there is no object within which you can place me. And you are not within any object. You are as disembodied as I. You have a vehicle to use, a body(your soul-fragment in the flesh) that you call your own, and this is all. I borrow Ruburt’s, with his consent, but what I am is not dependent upon atoms or molecules, and what you are is not dependent upon physical matter. Your own consciousness is part of each season. You are not limited by the bones of your skull."

"I can enjoy your earthly days when I so choose, and stroll disembodied down your spring streets, and look through Ruburt’s(Jane's Oversoul from which her soul-fragment comes from; 'Ruburt' lives Jane's soul-fragment as Jane with a blueprinted-incarnation to learn particular lessons and develop particular Earthly skills) eyes at the winter nights. And when you learn what you must learn, you will be able to look back to the pasts that you have known, and ahead to the days that you will know, for there is no end because there was no beginning. You always have been and you always will be. This is the meaning of existence and joy. The God that is, is within you, for you are a part of All That Is. "

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