Rahm Emanuel: The CCP‘s handling of COVID shows it has no honesty or transparency

4 months ago

1/18/2024 Rahm Emanuel U.S. Ambassador to Japan: The CCP‘s handling of COVID shows it has no honesty or transparency. The United States’s partnership with Japan is a credible deterrence that ensures there's no change in the region by military force.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #invasiontaiwan #taiwan #COVID
1/18/2024 美国驻日大使拉姆·伊曼纽尔:中共对COVID的处理符合它一贯的做法,毫无透明度和诚信。美国与日本的合作是可靠的威慑力量,以确保没人在本地区诉诸武力寻求改变。
#中共 #消灭中共 #入侵台湾 #台湾 #新冠病毒

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