Repopulation Baby Postcards: CABBAGE PATCH KIDS / 1800s Cloning / Babylon Babies/ Incubator Babies

3 months ago

This remains a mystery. How did they manipulate these photos on the postcards?

The Cabbage Patch Kids are known to be the Orphan Train Babies, the Babylon Babies or the Incubator Babies.

The term Cabbage Patch refers to babies that can be grown like cabbage grows in a garden.

The World Fairs used to have Babies in what appeared to be Incubators for show. Guess who showed up to view? The Royals. Why??

Why did these babies begin showing up during the Great Fire period, where the major cities in America were burned down?

Are these babies being Cloned in incubators?

What was the purpose? Were these Reset Babies from the last reset – the Great Fires Reset?

Were they sold on the market like a product? For what purpose?

There remains a lot of questions, not just about the babies but about potential hidden technologies from 200 years ago.

The Artwork on those stamps? The architecture? Growing babies?

Were these babies for Repopulation? Were they for other nefarious purposes? Were they a genetic experiment?

For the most part, this is unknown, but clues are left for the inquiring minds.

Source: Mind Unveiled --

END. 1/27/2024.

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