CCP-Piano Incident Reflects Confluence of CCP Authoritarianism & Progressive Illiberalism in West

5 months ago

01/24/2024 Eric Kouffman, Professor of politics, University of Buckinghamshire, comments on the CCP-Piano incident. He says there are a couple of things going on. One thing is obviously the attitude of the tour group, but the bigger thing is the reaction of the British authority, and the way CCP weaponized the racism charge. Brendan was standing for our freedoms. Both the reactions of CCP people and British police are two forms of authoritarianism. One comes from the state and then the other in the British case, I think comes from a progressive ideology, which I would call woke.
01/24/2024 英国白金汉大学政治学教授埃里克·考夫曼评论“中共-钢琴事件”。他称,此次事件有几个方面的问题,一方面很显然中共这个旅行团体的态度有问题,但更重要的是英国警局的回应,以及中共武器化“种族主义”指控的方式。布伦丹是在捍卫我们的自由。中共和英国警方的反应是两种形式的威权主义。一种是来自国家层面,另外一种英国警方的情况中,我认为是来自一种“觉醒”的进步意识形态。

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