Gaz_X Mocking Based Amy, Trump Supporters; Suicide And Getting CAUGHT-Out By Based Amy!!

5 months ago

24 Jan 2024: WARNING TO ANYONE WHO FEELS VULNERABLE -TOPIC DISCUSSED DURING VIDEO, OVERCOMING SUICIDE, - (A friend called me and told me that Gaz was streaming and being very rude about me, so I tuned-in and was then compelled to call his bluff - which he OBVIOUSLY, was not expecting)!
The above is an edited video, so the content includes images I've added, such as 'Believe includes the word 'LIE'...etc..'
Disgusting and vile are just two words which describe the actions of a man I once considered a 'colleague' and 'friend' in the battle to broadcast 'TRUTH to Power' via the internet to the world at large...
I first bumped into Gaz in London in 2020 during an anti-lockdown protest, (which he says in this video, he was .."THRILLED to meet Based Amy..." But for reasons only known to Gaz, he has turned, like many, on me and mocked a time in my past, (early 2000's), when I was going through physical and mental HELL, after having lost everything, due to failed back and hip surgeries....Anyway - he showed his TRUE colours in this video, which I ended-up screen-recording for the record.
The reason I phoned-in was to prove he'd had my phone number, so he COULD have dealt with this privately, (if he wanted to know the truth about the FAKE-STREAM story about me), and to confront him on his disrespectful remarks, when he changed his mind, (bottled-it/chickened-out), of speaking with me on-air about the details...
Please comment below on what you think overall.

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