The Power Behind the New World Order (March 2011)

1 year ago

The Power Behind the New World Order (March 2011)

Written and Directed By Paul Flynn
This Paul Flynn film called The Power Behind the New World Order, covers the political & spiritual New World Order, the grand conspiracy so many claim to understand. Flynn traces the ideology back to its roots in Alice Baileys writings, lays out the future, and even outlines a way out.

Featuring contributions from the following researchers and writers: William T Still, Bill Schnoebelen, Norman Dodd, Fritz Springmeier, Bill Cooper, Constance Cumby, Caryl Matriciana, Chris White, Johanna Michaelsen, Dr Stanley Monteith, Pastor Joe Schimmel, Dr Ravi Zacharias, Dave Hunt, Chris Pinto, Chris White, Patrick Heron, Randell Baer, Joe Schimmel and more.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12

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