A HongKonger who played "Glory to Hong Kong" on Mr. Kavanagh's piano had his YouTube channel closed

11 months ago

1/25/2024 The YouTube channel of Mr. Jazzua Leung, a Hong Konger who played “Glory to Hong Kong” on the same piano used by Mr. Kavanagh, was closed by YouTube after mass reporting by pro-CCP “Pinks”. David Zhang, a YouTube influencer, believes that it shows the CCP’s attempt to enforce its own laws on British soil and the CCP’s transnational repression of dissidents.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
1/25/2024 香港人梁嘉祖(Jazzua Leung)先生在卡瓦纳先生弹过的钢琴上演奏了《愿荣光归香港》,他的个人油管帐号遭到挺共粉红的举报而被油管删除。 油管大V - David Zhang认为, 中共的行动体现了其试图在英国执行中共国法律和跨国镇压持不同政见者的企图。
#中共 #消灭中共

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