8 Signs Your Child is Depressed (For Parents)

5 months ago

Consider sharing this video with your parents to help raise awareness and make childhood depression, not a stigma.

The percentage of adults who experienced any symptoms of depression was highest among those aged 18-29 (21.0%), followed by those aged 45-64 (18.4%) and 65 and over (18.4%), and lastly. by those aged 30-44 (16.8%). Up to 3% of children and 8% of adolescents in the U.S. have depression. The condition is significantly more common in boys under age 10. But by age 16. girls have a greater incidence of depression.

Just because a child seems sad doesn't necessarily mean they have significant depression. But if the sadness becomes persistent or interferes with normal social activities, interests. schoolwork, or family life, it may mean they have a depressive illness. Keep in mind that while depression is a serious illness. it's also a treatable one.



Suicide Hotlines:

America: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Canada: 1-866-531-2600

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This is only a short list of a few countries, however there is always somebody to reach out to.

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