LIVE Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Jan 26 - #WINNING!

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First, Justice Mosley found the Emergencies Act to be ultra vires and unconstitutional! The basis of the decision was that the threshold to invoke the Act was not met; there was no National emergency nor threat to the security of Canada as per the CSIS Act.

Excerpts from the decision:

[255] For these reasons, I conclude that there was no national emergency justifying the invocation of the Emergencies Act and the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable and ultra vires. Should I be found to have erred in that conclusion, I will proceed to discuss the threshold requirement that for a public order emergency to be declared it must meet the definition set out in section 16 of the Act.

[359] Having found that the infringements of Charter sections 2(b) and 8 were not minimally impairing, I find that they were not justified under section 1 (of the Charter).

Read the ruling HERE:

On Monday, NB homeowner Tommy Craft had a court appearance to determine if a warrant would be issued. We found some issues in the execution of the expropriation of his home which was presented to the court and Tommy's eviction process has been adjourned until April. Tommy is ready to defend his home.

You can help Tommy by submitting the public interest letter. Download the public interest letter HERE:

Thursday, Ms. Kimberly Woolman was delighted when she received an email from the court stated that her contempt charges had been dropped! Kimberly had filed a motion to dismiss citing mens rea and leeway as she is self-represented. Job well done Kimberly!

It's been a great week for Canada!

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