With the slumping and failing CCP economy, that money is down the drain

1 year ago

1/26/2024【Anna on Outside the Beltway】Americans’ pension funds, education funds, and savings were invested in Communist China and have been embezzled by the CCP kleptocrats' families through various ways. With the slumping and failing Chinese economy, that money is down the drain.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
1/26/2024【喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway节目】喜安娜:被投进中共国市场的美国人的养老金、教育基金和储蓄已被中共盗国贼家族通过各种方式卷跑了,随着中共国经济下滑和失败,这些钱将血本无归。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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