HOW THE CIA & FBI BECAME DEEP STATE VILLAINS. Geopolitics & Empire - J. Michael Waller 1-26-2024

4 months ago

HOW THE CIA & FBI BECAME DEEP STATE VILLAINS. Geopolitics & Empire - J. Michael Waller 1-26-2024
Geopolitics & Empire is Intelligent Conversation for Critical Thinkers. For more advanced students and Deep Thinkers. I continue to be impressed by the quality of his content.
January 26th, 2024
Geopolitics & Empire - J. Michael Waller
Unfortunately, I have yet to hear ANY ex CIA Agent admit to the full Truth about the True Power behind the Globalist NWO. J. Michael Waller is no exception to this.
British Intelligence oversaw the Creation of the CIA and the FBI. The British were also responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution. It has now been Proven that Vladimir Lenin was mentored in the City of London.
See Gabriel and McKibben of and Smedly Butler and numerous other sources have verified that the UK and USA funded and mentored the Soviets. Also, they gave them the Technology that allowed them to be a competitor to justify the Cold War. There never could have been such a vast Military Industrial Complex without the USSR. A Fake Enemy Dialectic used for Divide and Conquer.
The British Led Globalist Cabal, aka the Anglo-American Establishment runs the US Deep State, the International Banksters, the Mega Corporations, Foundations, NGO'S and the Fake News.
The Cecil Rhoades Round Tables transformed into the Pilgrim's Society and the Royal Institute for International Affairs - Now Chatham House. The US counterpart of Chatham House is the Council on Foreign Relations. Cecil Rhoades openly admitted that he would create a Secret Society based upon Jesuit Methods that would transform the British Empire into one that Dominates the world through Corporations. With the primary goal of recapturing the United States.
They have succeeded quite well from what they began in the early 1900s. I highly recommend you check out Gabriel and McKibben. Their research is impeccable. And they have a GIANT Archive of research you can download for Free. Over 100 Gigabytes. Search Truth History on their websites.
J. Michael Waller discusses the Marxist subversion and active measures currently being applied to the United States, having now infiltrated to the highest levels of government.
Bolshevik programs that initially were meant to destroy Germany took on a life of their own, migrating via the Frankfurt School to America. He discusses Operation Trust, the revolutionary programs like CRT and DEI which have been unleashed to tear our society apart, and Yuri Bezmenov. The FBI and CIA at the time were fighting this, but ultimately failed us. The post-9/11 security state and Obama presidency were key in advancing this agenda. He comments on the potential civil war scenario playing out in Texas.
J. Michael Waller
Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains
About J. Michael Waller
J. Michael Waller is a scholar-practitioner in strategic communication and unconventional conflict.
Presently he is President of Georgetown Research, a political risk and private intelligence company in Washington, D.C.; and is Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy. He was founding editorial board member of NATO’s peer reviewed Defence Strategic Communications journal (2015-2018).
Dr. Waller holds a Ph.D. in international security affairs from Boston University. He received his military training as an insurgent with the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (contras). For 13 years he was the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics in Washingto..
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