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1 year ago

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  • !A Jerusalem Post 2017 article lets the cat out of the bag: Israel will be the center of the Belt & Road Initiative and capital of the nwo, titled “Israel and the unexpected new world order.” This wasn’t unexpected in Revelation which shows what is happening now and coming soon with exquisite accuracy and even called out Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon pulling the strings, ruling over the kings (govt) and great merchants (billionaires/corporations) of the earth and using pharmakeia as a weapon millennia in advance. “And their dead bodies will lie on the street of THE GREAT CITY which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, WHERE ALSO THEIR LORD WAS CRUCIFIED [JERUSALEM].” (Rev 11.8) “The woman [Mystery Babylon per 17.5] whom you saw is THE GREAT CITY which reigns over the kings of the earth.“ (Rev 17.18) “And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth/land.” (Rev 18.24) “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!” (Mat 23.37) “for your [Babylon’s] merchants were the great men of the earth, for all the nations were deceived by your “PHARMAKEIA”” (Rev 18.23) Overview: 1) The rise of a global fascist system of govt & corporations (Rev 11.8; 17.18.. 2) The use of “pharmakeia” to deceive the world (Rev 17.18, 18.23) 3) Depopulation with wars, famine and plagues (Rev 6.2-8; 9.15,18.. 4) The rise of mass deceptions (Rv 18.23, 12.9, 13.14.. 5) A global army from a union of rulers and nations (Rv 19.19, 16.14.. 6) Hyperinflation (Rv 6.6, 11.6-7.. 7) “Porneia” used to intoxicate and corrupt the world (Rv 14.8, 17.2-4.. 8) Human trafficking, commodified bodies and souls (Rv 18.13,.. 9) An idol given apparent life & speech (artificial intelligence) (Rv 13.15.. 10) A renewal of the Sinai covenant and Mosaic law (Rv 13.16-7.. Full report: List of Revelation Prophecies for Today https://openthematrix.wordpress.com/2023/09/13/list-of-revelation-prophecies-for-today/