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Cause of Fire Unknown James True

1 year ago

Freeman Fly, host of FreemanTV.com, has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for two decades. Donations appreciated. Thank you for supporting the Free Zone!
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  • 0/2000
  • The Pope had a feast with trans women, instead of Mama's and their children because he is seducing his followers to serve trans women, in place of Mama and a wife, who are not thanked for their labor and blood shed. The people notice the abortionist blood shed tho. She is sacrificing to the lesbian and her trans daughter, born by artificial insemination. So a Virgin until the first birth. Catholicism

  • israhell DOES NOT CONTROL AMERIKA! amerika created israhell just as brittian and the vatican created amerika in the first place THE MOST EVIL NATION THAT HAS EVER EXISTED OR EVER WILL EXIST! the most genocial nation NEXT to israhell...and FAKE TRUMP THE CLONE STILL BRAGS ABOUT THE SHIT SHOT! we are living in the times of the mark of the beast right now and the chip of the beast system WILL BE COMIN SOON IF THE REAL ALLIANCE DOES NOT STOP AMERIKA SOON! i believe fully that russia china persia and north korea the brics and the brics_ minus india WILL STEAMROLL THROUGH EUROPE ONTO AMERIKA AND END AMERIKA THE WEST AND NATOS WARS AND TAKE OUT EVERY GOD DAMN CRACK HEAD ORDER FOLLOWER FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!

  • OH DUDE! FAKE TRUMP THE CLONE IS A MYSTERY for ya freeman? well i have been talking about THIS THING A LOT! ill help ya out with WHATEVER YOU NEED BUDDY! its been too long since i heard ya...but yea GOOD GUYS AND BAD GUYS used to be controlling this cloned stooge NOW ONLY THE BAD GUYS CONTROL HIM OBVIOUSLY! i could listen to 5 FUCKING MINS and blow his ass out of the damn water...tell you what and HES GOT HIS OWN PERSONAL FAKE HOAX FALSE FLAG NOW! pretty kool right! hahahahaha anyways these are dead drops if you wanna contact me its endtheinsanity on twitter or truth...and surprisingly i got banned from truth ONE TIME and they told me it was an accident and i did not even realize it i just saw the emails i got...wasn't using it that much back then did not even know i was banned HAHAHA GO FIGURE RIGHT! but with all the shit i have said about trump no damage so whatever even on twitter i just dropped the tranny word and BOOM listen twitter UNDER FAKE MUSK hey they are all fake replacements pretty much you know it right dude? im the most SHADOW BANNED MAN IN THE WORLD and they punished me even more...said i would get LESS VISIBILITY! hahahaha i just recently got a few comments NO ONE EVER COMMENTS ON ANYTHING I WRITE! which is stunning UNLESS I REALLY AM THE MOST SHADOW BANNED MAN IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! so i keep sayin it...YOU WERE SO FUCKING DEAD ON WITH BARRY BOY AKA BARACK OBAMA AKA LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN! i got your cloned family on one of my truth shirts I HAVE A FEW TRUTH SHIRTS! hahahahaha more than a few...but yea IT IS ALMOST OVER DUDE! its about to get FUCKING WILD! you saw leave the world behind im sure THE PLANES ARE ABOUT TO BE FALLIN OUT OF THE SKY SOON! do not take PUBLIC TRAVEL! anywhere they will not let us travel soon IF AMERIKA IS NOT STOPPED ANYWAYS! so yea..

  • Freeman, Dude. I'm watching 11/11/24 and once again blown away by your prescient observations from the Heart. It's like a demon awakening whack a mole in the world right now. Great message. Life is a wonderous Gift we have been given. We are Divine beings created by an Unconditional Loving Creator. All water is Holy Water. All land is Holy Land. All air is truly the Breath of God Inside all of us is a piece of the Creator the Divine Spark. You are never alone. Peace be upon you.