Less Is More

1 year ago

Less For More! This is what is our cultural spotlight is on today? Yes, our economy and how the less for more has taken over everything. Our government gives us less and less and we pay more and more taxes. In the grocery store, the packages have been downsized and the price upsized. Our common sense kicks in when things go on sale and they say they are lowering the prices, but the reality of truth is there is less for more. They have made things smaller for us so they can gain more for them. Less for more is a current economical reality in the state of affairs of our nations where we live with a culture of deception. We pay more for the same product, but it is smaller. We have seen this with everything we are buying and they think we don’t notice that the donuts are smaller and the price is larger. Now we have half size soda cans, that cost more. The half gallon of ice cream went from that to a smaller package. Each time things get smaller, the price gets larger. Less for more is the name of the game in our economy.

I am thankful that our God is not a less for more kind of God. He gives us everything we need, abundantly. His Grace, something we need on a daily basis is given abundantly and never changes in price as it is freely given. His mercy was paid in full by His Son Jesus Christ, it flows freely to all who need it. It was a less for more God transaction, less life for Jesus, more life for us.

So our food does has that less for more kind of theme, but that doesn’t bother me as much as our grace, compassion, mercy and forgiveness for each other. In times such as these, there is definitely less grace for more strife as we all react to the cultural chaos all around us in times such as these. Less grace and more misunderstanding! Less compassion and more indifference! Less civility and more hatred!

Jesus lived a less for more life-style as He paid for all of us with His life so that we would have more than enough grace for all. Less for Him for more for us. Why not be like Jesus, less about ourselves, more for others. We can be the increase so that there is more grace in our society. We can give more grace to others without expecting more in return. Be the bearers of the Grace of God, and His mercy, compassion, forgiveness and patience. We could choose to be like Jesus Christ to all those around us, and change things up to Less IS More. Learning and growing in the humility of being selfless, because less of us is more to give to others.

Being a grace bearer is less of ourselves more of God, so that makes a less-more spirituality that contradicts our world’s way and brings about more civility with less strife. Less of our human condition, more of Jesus’ grace and truth. This is a less IS more that works for us, for our good. God bless you! Be a grace bearer today! Less of you, more of God.

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