AUC3I Daily Briefing 01-26-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

4 months ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare


The briefing provided by Colonel AC. Oguntoye on January 26, 2024, regarding the "special military operation" offers a comprehensive overview of military activities conducted by the Russian Armed Forces from January 20th to January 26th, 2024. Here are the key takeaways:

Strategic Strikes on Ukrainian Infrastructure: The Russian military executed 13 group strikes using long-range precision weapons and drones targeting Ukraine's military-industrial complex, including facilities producing unmanned boats, ammunition, missiles, and their components. Additional targets included arsenals, military airfields, fuel depots, and points of temporary deployment for foreign mercenaries, achieving the intended objectives by hitting all designated targets.

Tactical Advancements and Repelled Attacks: In various directions (Kupyansk, Krasnolimansky, Donetsk, South Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson), the Russian forces reported liberating territories, repelling numerous Ukrainian attacks, and improving their positions along the front lines. These actions were supported by coordinated efforts involving aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems.

Significant Ukrainian Losses: The briefing details substantial Ukrainian military losses over the week, including over 4,400 military personnel (killed and wounded), numerous tanks (including at least one Leopard tank), armored combat vehicles, vehicles, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), including HIMARS and Grad, and field artillery pieces.

Destruction of Advanced Western Equipment: Russian forces claim to have destroyed advanced Western-made military equipment supplied to Ukraine, including Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems (USA), SAMP-T (France), IRIS-T (Germany), and their associated radar stations, highlighting the involvement of Western military aid in the conflict.

Air Defense Successes: Russian air defense systems were reported to have shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft, six Storm Shadow cruise missiles, four Tochka-U tactical missiles, 28 missiles from HIMARS and Vampire MLRS, and 361 unmanned aerial vehicles over the week, indicating a high level of engagement and effectiveness in countering aerial threats.

Captured Ukrainian Military Personnel: The report mentions that 35 Ukrainian military personnel surrendered during the week, indicating ongoing attempts by Russian forces to capture enemy combatants.

Cumulative Losses: The briefing provides cumulative figures on Ukrainian military equipment losses since the beginning of the operation, offering a perspective on the scale of the conflict and the impact on Ukraine's military capabilities.

Strategic and Operational Implications: The detailed reporting of military actions, territorial focuses, and equipment losses underscores the strategic and operational dimensions of the conflict, with both sides experiencing the intense and costly nature of modern warfare.

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