The Basics of C Programming In Under 2 Minutes

11 months ago

I wanted to do this to see how much information I could squeeze in about C in under 2 minutes. 2 Minutes isn't long when you have to explain alot of information. It's very long when you are doing a plank though... Maybe that's how einstein relaised time was relative... Joking aside, this wasn't that difficult, however I have probably missed out some information so leave a comment below of what you think I could have or should have included!

## intro
I'm gonna see if I can explain the basics of the C programming language in under 5 minutes... Let's go!

## main
Okay so up first is main. This is where your progam will run all it's functions. You need a main to run your program.

## data types
data types are how information is stored withing computer memory. here is a list of data types.
An example of 2 data types are an integer and a char. Int variables store numbers and char variables store characters.

## Macros
Macros are user defined, these can be set as variables of functions.
Generally they are used to store a common value used throughout your .c/.h files.
This is because if a common value was to change, it's easier to change it in one place than 10 different places.

## Variables
Variables are areas of memory which are user defined to store values of a given data type.
For example we can have a variable which is an integer datatype called our_number.
Variables can be changed as a program runs. A good example of this is in a for loop,
where the i variable here increments by 1 for each lap of the loop.

## Structures
structures are a collection of variables which can all have different data types. Making a sctructure
creates a user defined datatype which is specific to your own usecase. For example I could have a structure called meta_data
which has the following information...

## Functions
Functions contain a list of instructions to run and are used to seperate areas of code so that it can be more maintainable and reusable.
For example, instead of doing an addition everywhere we can put an adder into a function and return the added value.
This is what a function can look like (show function paramters etc.)

## Headers
header files are where we can store variables, fucntions and macros for other .c files to use.
headers are included at the top of a .c file to use the contents. A .c file must have it's own corresponding header file.

## Pointers
pointers are variables which contain the memory address of antoher variable. Where pointers are useful is with functions.
when a variable is passed into a function, it is a copy of the original, where are with pointers, it passes in the actual
location of the input variable.

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