Blend Extra: How a Former Football Star Got His Health on Track

7 years ago

Tony Boselli is a former star offensive lineman in the NFL. But carrying the weight of an offensive lineman after his playing days lead to some problems. That's why he turned to the people at 855 Burn Fat to get his health on track, and now he, and his wife, have lost a combined 100 pounds! Dr. Rafael Foss is back to share Tony's story and an exciting offer! Right now, the first 25 callers who contact 855 Burn Fat and sign up for their 40 day program, they'll give you a FREE iPhone 10! You can also get their Body Composition Analysis (normally $99) and Heart Rate Variability Testing (normally $129) for FREE! To take advantage of these great offers, call (414) 376-4005 and mention the FREE iPhone 10. Or visit and use promo code "iPhone 10".

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