Drive-By Media Mourn Death Of Nonexistent White House-Senate 'Border Deal'

1 year ago

There isn’t an actual border deal in Washington yet but you wouldn’t know that, given the media’s collective caterwauling over former President Donald Trump’s comments on a prospective border deal, which the media then proceeded to frame as a killing of the deal. How do we know there is no deal? Because NBC News told us as much as they closed out their coverage of the border kerfuffle. NBC News were the only ones to admit there was no border deal actually in place, and had the crispest coverage overall, albeit weirdly bifurcated between coverage of Trump’s civil defamation trial in New York and the GOP primary. The deal was properly characterized as part of a broader aid package to Ukraine and Israel.

ABC News, on the other hand, covered the “deal” as though it were a campaign stand-alone, with no mention of Ukraine until the end of Mary Bruce’s report, and no mention of Israel at all. Bruce, known around these parts as the Biden White House’s chief apple polisher, made it a pure Trump-adverse story focused on process and on the campaign. In fairness, though, Bruce accurately portrayed Trump’s opposition to this as of yet nonexistent deal.

• More at: NewsBusters - Drive-By Media Mourn Death Of Nonexistent White House-Senate 'Border Deal'

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