Critical Analysis 200 Proofs Earth is NOT a spinning Ball - Part 3

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Warning! Those seeking a video that shows only PRO Globe video, or a PRO Flat Earth - You've come to the wrong place!

I do my best to critically think through someone else's flat earth video, point by point. Sometimes they say something that we can prove is false, other times they raise an issue that can neither be proven one way or the other. However, sometimes they make a good point, and we should be intellectually honest enough to acknowledge that is the case, and not resort to name calling, strawmans or just fall back to the "but why would the government lie?" type arguments, that completely avoid dealing with the specific facts being presented.

So far (parts 1 & 2) there have been 23 proofs that I have demonstrated using various tools available to me in the livestream is FALSE. There have also been 5 proofs that, to the best of my ability are legitimate reasons, that warrant further investigation. The remaining 22 (or lack thereof) proofs were invalid arguments that prove nothing either way, or arguments that would work equally on either model.

The livecast will continue for as long as I feel upto it.
I've just setup a discord channel, if you're interested in the first to sign up, then scan the QR code shown on screen near the start, or follow this link:

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