Find optimal realities in the periphery

5 months ago
41 - How can we access optimal parallel worlds? At this time when many of the world's top scientists acknowledge there's a real possibility that we're living in a multiverse, and also that reality is a simulation with dreamlike qualities that we are constantly interpreting, the matter of accessing parallel realities is becoming more mainstream. Finding optimal realities amidst what might be a large number of possible alternate worlds is likely as much an art as a science.

So how best might we begin this process? Clearly, the first step is recognizing the presence of parallel realities. We can find a clue as to how we encounter these in the words of Jerome Busemeyer and Peter Bruza: “The wave nature of an indefinite state captures the psychological experience of conflict, ambiguity, confusion, and uncertainty; the particle nature of a definite state captures the psychological experience of conflict resolution, decision, and certainty.”

These thought provoking words come from their book, Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision. The genius of this observation lies in its simplicity. We have experience with mental and emotional states that map to the psychological experience of uncertainty, just as we have awareness and experience of how it feels to be decisive and certain. Our appreciation of the dynamics and interplay between these two states of mind as being analogous to quantum states of waves and particles initiates a deeper, holistic awareness of how we human beings navigate through a dream-like, simulated world.

Befriending Uncertainty

There is a special gift in embracing--rather than fearing--the unknown. We can embrace uncertainty when we recognize that exploring uncertainty can provide us with access to parallel possible realities and worlds. Thanks to the meshing of our thought processes to quantum processes, we can find newfound power in the experience of uncertainty. We can revise the narratives and stories we've been told that would have us fear uncertainty, and start to develop a sense of trust for the innate uncertainties in Nature. Part of the power of uncertainty is in its ability to bring something into reality and physical being that hadn't been here before. This entire process is natural, and finding our way of moving within flowing realities can be a natural process for us.

Befriending Certainty

We are called into a state of certainty, whenever immediate action is required, and any time we feel compelled to make a decisive choice. Anytime we feel they need to take definitive action, we are collapsing the quantum wave function of uncertainty, and making a specific choice. In that moment of choice, it is as if we have stepped into a possible reality that had only existed in the form of imagination a moment earlier.

Walking and Breathing in Divine Flow

The dynamic interplay between certainty and uncertainty shows us a glimpse of how we – – in the form of consciousness – – travel between realities each and every day. We move with each breath we take, and with each step we take, forward in space and time into the divine flow of the unknown.

In our participatory cosmos, there can be advantage in asking questions you truly wish to live the answers to, such as, "How good can it get?" Adding these five words to every step and every breath can invite more positivity into your experiences in the world. When we move forward with our attention and intention focused on my favorite question, "How good can it get?" we invite ourselves to trust and have faith in natural abundance of creation.


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/ cynthialarson

#meditation #quantum #reality #consciousness

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