The West Stock Markets Are Mostly Green, but China’s Stock Market Is in Deep Red

5 months ago

01/22/2024 Jared Blikre at the home base with Yahoo Finance Interactive: In the West, we have a lot of green on the screen, and that's what we've been seeing recently, S&P 500 at record highs. In China, we have some deep red going on. Tokyo Nikkei at a 34-year high, not quite a record, but at a 34-year high, up 37% over the last year. It's really China being the outlier here.
01/22/2024 Jared Blikre在雅虎财经互动的大本营:在西方,我们的屏幕上有很多绿色股指上升,这就是我们最近看到的,标准普尔500指数创下历史新高。在中共国股市,我们看见银幕上一片深红色暴跌。东京股市日经指数创下了34年来的新高,虽然还没有达到历史最高点,但也达到了 34 年来的新高。这里看到的中共国股市是真正的例外暴跌。

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