Fear, God, keep his commandments, and welcome the angels to come and deliver you.

11 months ago

Ecclesiastes said that we to fear God and keep his commandments… That this is the whole duty of man.

Psalm 34 says that the angel of the Lord camps out around about those that fear God and delivers them.

This video tells a story of the trip That I took with my nine-year-old daughter, one late long night, down Highway 82 from Tuscaloosa Alabama into Mississippi, and then on to southeast Arkansas.

Psalm 34 also says that if we fear the Lord and seek him and keep his commandments, serve him, we will not be left desolate.

This is an interesting story about how God with his angels, protected us, delivered us, and refused to leave us in desolation.

You can live alive without desolation. You do not have to be desolate.

God wants to set his angels in place roundabout you to be a constant source of deliverance for you.

God wants us to simply focus on fearing him and keeping his commandments… That is our whole duty.

Psalm 34: 4-7 & 21-22.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Psalm 138:8 … God, and his angels are perfecting that which concerns us.

Romans 8:28 … god is causing all things to work together for our good if we love him and have accepted our call to participate in his purpose for our lives. He uses his angels to bring that into reality.

Fear not! Fear God!

The conclusion of the whole matter.

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