Elemental Diet - Am I Herxing (Die-off) or Intolerant?

1 year ago

On an elemental diet? - how do you know if you're having an intolerance to the elemental shake, OR experiencing a Herxheimer (die-off of pathogens) reaction? Part 1 of my short series on the MOST frequently asked questions about elemental diets. In this one I talk about how to discern between an ingredient allergy or intolerance versus a Herxheimer or die-off effect as pathogens are cleared from your gut. I also give you solutions for both situations.
Absorb Plus: https://absorbplus.com/
My books: https://listentoyourgut.com/books/

#elementaldiet #absorbplus #crohns #colitis #sibo #guthealth #microbiome

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