How To Witness: Are you shy or a beginner? Here’s what I do. What’s With These Numbers?!

3 months ago

Parable of the Talents – I give some ideas of things I do, to help disciple and give ideas to beginners on fire for the Lord but who may be wondering how they can help. Im also seeing tons of phenomenon in the skies of Florida, Red Skies at Night, Cloud “Flares”, Voids in Clouds – left by a departing UFO? Who knows. Strange is all. Spiritual warfare. ‘33’ Masonic ‘Go Code’ in news articles; and speaking of numbers, WHATS WITH ALL THESE NUMBERS IM SEEING – 1111, 333, 222, 726. JESUS IS COMING!

Credits to: Repoman 64, Endtime Watchmen, Ray Comfort and Living Waters,, and my brothers and sisters that subscribe to my Telegram Channel at

Why did Jesus die on the cross? Why did our God come here in the flesh? Think about it. Its not hard. Jesus came here to save us from sin. Jesus saves sinners. And by saving us from sin, I don’t mean to say He’s saving you from cancer, or bullet wounds, or losing your parents in a fire – or any number of horrible things that may happen to us in this fallen world that non-believers use as some sort of foil by saying “if God’s so good why does He allow bad things to happen…” You can’t get into debates about it. The bible is clear. Jesus died to save sinners. That’s you and me. Next question: what does saving us from sin promise? That we won’t spend eternity in Hell. For me…that’s all I need to know.

Anything more complex than that…more complex than “Jesus died to save sinners from Hell”, like things you gotta do, or you repenting over and over and over for things you already repented for and complaining you’ve lost your salvation, DILUTES God’s simple Word, filling people’s heads with worry and doubt. Everyone can be saved, and no one has sinned too much to be saved. Or as Michael Pearl asked a guy once “So let me get this straight, you’ve outsinned your salvation?”

All you have to do is repent of your sins, once…just once, truly accept Jesus Christ’s free gift, and it’s a heart thing. You’re still going to sin…don’t overthink it. Once you repent of your sins and are truly saved, you won’t want to sin anymore. But, you will, and when you sin again, you don’t have to keep repenting, that takes away from God’s power. When you first truly repented, you were saved from all sin…past, present, and future; meaning sins you hadn’t even done yet, or thought of yet, you were forgiven for. See what I mean? If you’ve still got “clarifying” debate questions like “so am I free to continue murdering, or raping, or doing drugs”…that goes beyond being stupid, into the realm of inventing ways to turn your back, (and the backs of others who listen to you), on the God of the Universe; and if you claim to be saved yet still spout this sort of stuff…yeah but, were you though?

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