Madeira woman still missing after days of bitter cold

7 years ago

Larissa Kosel walked out her family's front door Monday morning with no coat and no medication. By Wednesday night, two days of freezing temperatures and bitter winds later, her father still had no idea where she might have gone. "Am I worried?" Peter Kosel said. "Up to the hilt." He and the Madeira residents who spent their week for Kosel know her as a "tiny but scrappy" woman with a funny, kind-hearted personality. According to former classmate Amy Rubenstein, she was attacked in college and developed post-traumatic stress disorder as a result; this could have contributed to her sudden disappearance. "If she is out there and on the run, it could very well be that she's afraid or feels that someone is coming after her," Rubenstein said. Their search party includes former classmates such as Rubenstein as well as people who have never met Kosel. They're united by membership in a "Madeira family," Rubenstein said, and they're determined to find Kosel alive. "What's it mean? A lot," Peter Kosel said. "People are being proactive." Larissa Kosel is a white 41-year-old woman standing 5 feet 3 inches and weighing 110 pounds, with green eyes and brown hair. She was last seen wearing black sweatpants and a black fleece shirt. Madeira police asked anyone who might have seen Kosel or have information on her whereabouts to call them at 513-272-4214 or 911.

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