5 months ago

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Conservatives can continue to pretend that there is a fracture in the GOP for who should be the nominee in November. What they cannot do is hide the will of the American voters who want President Trump back in office. Much like 2016, it seems that even "Never Trumper's" are going to have to drag him across the finish line in order to defeat the political left who are hell bent on stopping Trump at every measure imaginable. And one of the things Team Trump can do to help themselves is choosing the right person for Vice President. Names like Kari Lake, Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis, and even Tucker Carlson have all been kicked around. But with the country on the verge of a potential Civil War, it might be a good idea to take a cue from history. Abraham Lincoln, a wartime President and a man Trump supporters often compare him to, during his second run chose a Democrat as his Vice President. Perhaps the "dark horse" this time around is a similar choice, or at least should be. Someone who can get Trump over the line and bring the country back together...
Let's call him the Lincoln of VP's.
#jamesanthonyreport #rfk #vicepresident
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2024 General Election: Trump vs Biden vs Kennedy:
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At the time of this recording President Donald Trump is ahead of Nikki Haley in every single metric to become the GOP nominee in November. No surprise here. But the hurdles he's had to jump just to get this far have many questioning whether the far-left in this country will peacefully and patriotically allow Trump to walk back into the White House, assuming he wins and assuming there's an election. A legacy that is befitting of a once in a century type of candidate has Trump in a position for a do-over; a rare thing not just in politics but in life. Arguably the single biggest mistake in Trump's first term was the selection of Mike Pence for Vice President. Speculation abounds as to who team Trump goes with this time, with some separation amongst voters for Kari Lake. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem also seems to be a fan favorite. But Trump, being the media mogul he is, seems to be letting this all play out publicly to see who the people want. Or who we don't want. So here are five key points as to why the selection of Robert Kennedy Jr. makes the most sense.
First, RFK Jr. has the Kennedy last name. It might be difficult to overstate how much this meant to a previous generation but take a look at the numbers. Kennedy is polling at nearly 20 percent as an Independent. That is huge. And if Trump can convince Kennedy to come on board, he's sure to pick up at least a portion of Kennedy voters. The same can't be said for anyone else in this regard. Remember, when Vivek dropped out he only had about 6 percent. Second, though many consider RFK Jr. to be anti-establishment he's essentially a Democrat. Trump and Trump voters often compare him with Abraham Lincoln, and rightfully so. So, take a look back at the strategy Lincoln employed when running for a second term. He chose Democrat Andrew Johnson as VP. The point here is that, let's say, if funding for a major project gets hung up in Congress maybe RFK can persuade the other side of the aisle to come together for the betterment of the country. If they won't, that's good fodder to be used in separating the far left from establishment Democrats come midterms.
Third, you know the Operation Warp Speed attacks are coming. We all know why. And right or wrong Trump is going to be forced to answer these questions. So who better to deflect those questions than RFK? He's made a living suing the hell out of Big Pharma and literally wrote the book on it. Trump would be wise to point to his pick as VP to prove to everyone he's not making the same mistake twice.
Fourth, RFK Jr. speaks the same language when it comes to three letter agency corruption. Vivek did a great job in laying out a detailed plan to dissolve these agencies but it's personal for Kennedy. And it's personal for Trump. Given the opportunity, RFK should have no issue pointing out who and what needs to go.
Lastly, RFK Jr. is an insurance policy of sorts. He's in the Goldilocks zone when it comes to sensible Kennedy era politics that elitist Democrats are against. And he's sincere. All in all, Kennedy is just right for the job.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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