DISCLOSURE: 2024 - The Democratic Political System in 🇨🇭Switzerland will be taken down, cancelled and judged, in all 194 nations - The 🇺🇸U.S. / USSF led Global Military Alliance Covert War Operation #STORM - Surfacing soon, also in Switzerland

4 months ago

- Important Formal Statement as a matter of full Disclosure-

I have directly and without lawyers communicated on January 27th 2024 with the Office of the Secretary of Defense of the United States, who exclusively and only reports to the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

I have previously reported and provided substantial evidence to the JAG officers at the USSF and USAF presenting further material evidence of serious crimes against humanity and corruption.

These crimes have been committed by renegade factions within the former and current Swiss Government, Swissmedic, and other organizations, including but not limited to WHO, WEF, Gavi, civil and legal persons, et al. (the list is detailed and extensive.)

These crimes are directly linked to the severe terminal injuries and sufferings that I suffer from due to the unlawful COVID-19 PsyOp and the administration of injections without my legally mandated informed consent. These actions were carried out through the illegal use of force, enabled by the state-sponsored coercion of my own government, in gross violations of my constitutional protection and rights.

The timing of my dispatching of this report to the office of the https://www.defense.gov/About/Secretary-of-Defense/ is not by random choice but rather by dedicated design as per plan. I have and I am perpetually exercising my duty and my rights as former Swiss Airforce Officer who took an oath to uphold, defend and protect the Swiss Constitution at all times as stipulated as well in the Swiss Constitution pertaining to all Swiss Citizens, be that military or their civil counterparts.

The basis of my reporting action is:




And here is the active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over the current White House, the residence and highest executive office of the United States of the current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and it ends on June 1, 2024.


Ladies and gentlemen, the fact that I can disclose this FFA No Fly Zone link that is now working for you to click is a clear indication that the kaleidoscope of the largest Central Casting operation in History of filmmaking soon comes to an end. Otherwise, my Disclosure would not be able to publish a clickable FFA .gov website link confirming my disclosures. You need to learn to read and analyse our Disclosures, Learn how to think and use your state and media fake news-washed brain again. It belongs to you!

The United States are since December 20th 2019 in a global covert Defence War. Consequently, the United States Law of War Manual 2015 (updated July 2023) is in force and applicable at any time and wherever you are on our planet Earth, naturally, of course, also on Swiss territory, which includes Berne and Geneva as well.

The Cover Photo shows current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief of the United States signing an executive order. That as in a Hangar on December 20th 2019 at Andrews AFB and it was the day of the Declaration of the ongoing covert US led Global Defence was that I affectionately named Operation #STORM, soon surfacing globally at the same instant.

This Photo is beyond Epic and for me another of many Symbols that go down in History representing the ultimate LIberation of the Human Species.

Go Figure!

#SemperSupra 💫


Pascal Najadi


Follow me on Telegram: @PascalNajadiNEWS

Follow me on current Wartime President Donald J. Trump's TruthSocial: @najadi4justice


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