What is the Promise of Restoration?

1 year ago

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Well, Tom, there are so many promises like that in the Bible—literally hundreds. We had mentioned in the very beginning when we started to study this book in our first segment of the program: anti-Semitism. It is one of the prophecies in the Bible, one of the great proofs. God said these people would be hated and persecuted and killed like no other people, and it came to pass. We explained what anti-Semitism is. Why? It’s satanic, and that can be very easily established by logic and from the Scriptures. As soon as God said to Satan, the serpent in the garden, “The seed of the woman is going to bruise your head…” in other words, “You will be destroyed by a virgin-born Man, born of a woman, somewhere down in history,” Satan began to look for this Person. We find this all through history, and we don’t have time to document that. But whether it was Haman, who would wipe out all the Jews in the days of Esther, whether it was Herod who was going to make sure he killed the Messiah, all down through history we’ve had this happening.

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